Bring the School of Data Science brand to life through messaging, visual identity, typography, and color. These guidelines are meant to help you communicate the SDS brand. They establish guidance for visual and written communications as well as assets and templates to fit your various needs. If you have any questions or specific requests, please reach out to the Communications Team and we will be more than happy to assist you.


School of Data Science

The University of Virginia School of Data Science—the first of its kind in the nation—is guided by common goals: to further discovery, share knowledge, and make a positive impact on society through collaborative, open, and responsible data science research and education. Founded in fall 2019 through the largest gift in UVA history, the School positions the university and our community to play a national and international leadership role in the global digital future. The School of Data Science is the newest and 12th School to be formed in the University’s 200 year history. 

The School of Data Science is driven by a vision to meet the challenges of an increasingly data-driven world through excellence in collaborative, open, interdisciplinary research; education that produces responsible, diverse leaders; and service that leads to products and outcomes which provide societal benefit. 

We are leading a movement to drive discovery and innovation across geographic, temporal, and commercial boundaries. Whether in our hiring and promotion guidelines, open data and publication policies, or infrastructure and materials, we’re building a School based in a culture of transparency and open access to knowledge. By working with experts in diverse domains, applying data science to real-world issues, and learning both the practical application of data science and the principles behind it, our students are poised to become leaders and pioneers in the field. 

Philip E. Bourne, Stephenson Dean

Philip E. Bourne is the founding dean of the School of Data Science. He is a world renowned biomedical and data science researcher who has published over 300 papers and five books, launched four companies, received numerous awards, and been elected as fellow to multiple scientific societies. As Stephenson Dean of the School of Data Science, Bourne is leading an effort to create a new kind of school—a school without walls, that prioritizes interdisciplinary research, open data science, and collaboration throughout the University, nation, and world. 

Our research program is focused on the five pillars of data science—data acquisition, engineering, analysis, dissemination, and ethics—to be embodied in centers led by renowned faculty. This non-traditional structure allows for coordination across key areas of data science without the constraint of departmental silos and allows the flexibility that is a necessity in the fast-paced and constantly evolving field of data science.


Primary Logo Color

SDS Color Primary Logo

Primary Logo Black

SDS Primary Logo

Short Form Logo Black

SDS Short Form Logo

Vertical Logo Color

SDS Color Vertical Logo

Vertical Logo Black

SDS Vertical Logo

Downloadable Versions


In short, a PNG file will work for most needs. However, if you are needing to scale the logo to a large size (i.e. large poster, billboard, sign, t-shirt, etc) you will likely want to use an EPS file. Additionally, if you are sharing the logo with a designer you might consider sending them an EPS file as it a better file for editing.

A PNG is a lossless, raster file, meaning it contains a fixed number of individual pixels to form a high-quality image. PNGs are also easier to work with for basic needs as most operating systems can preview them, most programs can open them, and the file size is relatively small. They also have the capability to have a transparent background which is great when working with, and placing, logos in a project.

An EPS file is a format for housing vector graphics. Vector graphics use coordinates of points to create lines, curves, and shapes. Because of this process, vector graphics can be resized without losing quality. This makes them ideal for large format projects.

Both file types can be found for each SDS logo.

Print or Screen?


If you are using the logo for printed material, for example a flyer or a poster, we recommend using logos with a CMYK color profile. For convenience, we have put these files in the folder labeled “Print”. Download this folder for access to these logos. Additionally, at the end of the file name for logos with the CMYK color profile is the label “Print”. 


If you are using the logo for web or computer based media, for example a social profile or powerpoint, we recommend using logos with the RGB color profile. We have put these files in the folder labeled “Screen”. Download this folder for access to these logos. Additionally, at the end of the file name for logos with the RGB color profile is the label “Screen”. 

Logo Descriptions and Previews

Listed below are descriptions and previews of the different logo options available, along with the corresponding file name. Each logo has a CMYK and a RGB version.

Please note that .esp and .png files have a transparent background by default. Therefore, white logos will not appear on a white page and black logos will not appear on a black page. They are presented here with either white or black backgrounds in order to view them. However, the downloadable files do not have an attached background. 

Once you decide which logo you need follow the links provided above.

Color Palette

The institution’s color palette, which features UVA Orange and Jefferson Blue, is a powerful and important asset in establishing a strong, consistent identity for the University. These colors are to be used in all full-color logos and across communications and applications.

school of data science primary color palette



Primary Fonts

The University of Virginia School of Data Science uses Franklin Gothic as its primary font. Adobe Caslon and Bodoni are secondary font options.

Franklin Gothic is a simple and versatile sans serif font with a modern feel. All weights and faces are available for use but should be used with discretion where appropriate. Franklin Gothic is the primary typeface for both headlines and body copy in marketing materials.

Secondary Fonts

A serif font, Caslon is a secondary font suited for more formal, traditional applications such as letterhead, business cards and envelopes.

Bodoni is a secondary font in the UVA brand but one that the School of Data Science rarely uses. Bodoni Poster Italic is most frequently used as it provides a bold yet studious feel. A more designed font, the typefaces within the Demi Compressed Italic Bodoni family are not intended to be used as primary fonts, but as accent design elements in select creative applications.

View fonts at UVA Brand.


Writing Style Guide

How to talk about the School of Data Science

The first time the School of Data Science is mentioned, write out the name in full. After the first time, SDS or School can be used afterward. The same applies to the University of Virginia as it first appears with UVA or University appropriate for later mentions. Make sure when referring to the University or the School it is capitalized. Example:

The School of Data Science is the first of its kind in the nation. A school without walls, SDS is at the forefront of shaping data science as a discipline. The School offers a range of degree and non-degree offerings. 

Program Names

  • Minor in Data Science
  • M.S. in Data Science, Residential (MSDS Residential)
  • M.S. in Data Science, Online (MSDS Online)
  • Dual Degrees: M.S. in Data Science and MBA (MSDS/MBA); M.S. in Data Science and Ph.D. (MSDS/PhD); M.S. in Data Science and MD (MSDS/MD)

Dates and Times

When writing dates, there are two options.

  • For a more formal option, write out in full the day of the week, month, and date. Example: Monday, June 7
  • For an informal option, specifically in an email or on the web, abbreviate the month to the first three letters. Example: Monday, Jun. 7

Do not add “th” or “nd” to the day of the month (7th or 2nd) and when including times after a date, be sure to list a.m. or p.m. and the appropriate time zone. Months with more than four letters are abbreviated to three. Examples: 

  • Monday, June. 7, at 4:30 pm ET
  • Wednesday, Nov. 18, from 10 am - 5:30 pm ET


University Lingo

The University of Virginia was founded in 1819 and has a rich history. Some of its unusual terminology stems from long-held traditions handed down from founder Thomas Jefferson. Examples of UVA lingo:

The Academical Village: Thomas Jefferson believed that living and learning are interconnected and he designed the University based on this concept. The Lawn and its surrounding Pavilions were designed to house students and faculty.

The Rotunda was the University’s first library and serves as the heart of the Academical Village and learning community. 

Grounds: While other institutions refer to their “campus,” UVA uses “Grounds.” You will also hear “off Grounds,” and “Central Grounds.” The latter refers to the historic center of the University’s physical space.

The Lawn: This is grassy expanse between the Rotunda and Old Cabell Hall. To be selected to live in a Lawn room is a significant honor, and undergraduate residents are called Lawnies. The two rows of buildings running parallel to the Lawn but facing outward are known as East and West Range, dedicated historical housing for graduate students.

The Corner: Originally just a single street corner, it has grown to the strip of shops and restaurants on University Avenue across the street from Central Grounds. 

First-Year, Second-Year, Third-Year, Fourth-Year: Undergraduates are often known as freshmen, sophomores, etc. Jefferson believed learning was a lifelong process and felt that “senior” implied one had reached the conclusion of their learning. UVA therefore refers to undergraduate students by the year.

Check out this UVA Today Lingo Video and learn more about the meaning behind wahoos, lawnies, and Grounds. 

School of Data Science Lingo

Datum is singular and data is plural. Example: "Data are the fuel that drives this transformation and data science is the practice by which we transform society in a responsible way."


Below are SDS branded templates, one-pagers, and zoom backgrounds. Please feel free to download and use them for SDS purposes.

Zoom Backgrounds

Type your name and save the background as an image file in order to upload it as a zoom background. 

Zoom Background Blue

Zoom Background Orange

Email Template

The School of Data Science signature template should include name, title, and the primary color SDS logo. Customization of signatures is allowed to include pronouns, mobile and fax numbers, and social media handles. The Communications Team can help create your signature upon request.

Email signature for School of Data Science