Lane Rasberry Awarded $131,628 Grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 

February 2, 2022

In January 2022, the School of Data Science began a 6-month project to showcase data for research software supported by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Users will access this information through Scholia, the free and open Wikipedia-based scholarly profiling service. This phase of development is another step toward a long-term goal of providing universal access to all scholarly metadata, so that researchers can more easily access public records for publications, software, datasets, conferences, and grants. A secondary goal of this round of development is exploring the ethics of increasing the visibility of underrepresented researcher demographics. 

Lane Rasberry is the principal investigator with other team members including Alison Booth of the UVA Scholars Lab and collaborators at the Coleridge Initiative, Ronin Institute, and Wiki Education Foundation. 


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