Don Brown Receives UVA’s Distinguished Researcher Award

The University of Virginia’s School of Data Science is pleased to announce that Don Brown, the School’s senior associate dean for research, has been selected as a 2023 winner of the University’s Distinguished Researcher Award.
The award is given to a UVA faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in scholarship through significant discoveries and scholarship. The awards committee sets out to honor researchers who are acknowledged leaders in their field and whose work is making an impact on society.
Brown, whose illustrious research career at the University spans decades, is the Quantitative Foundation Distinguished Professor in Data Science and the W.S. Calcott Professor in UVA’s Department of Systems and Information Engineering. He was also the founding director of the Data Science Institute, a role he held from 2013-17.
Brown will receive $3,000 in discretionary research funds as a recipient of the award, which will be presented at a dinner on Feb. 1 co-hosted by University President Jim Ryan; Ian Baucom, UVA’s executive vice president and provost; and Fred Epstein, the University’s interim vice president for research.